Georgia Equality will host a special Virtual Town Hall in honor of May’s designation as Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage month. Special guests will include endorsed candidates Marvin Lim, Dr. Michelle Au, Rep. Bee Nguyen, and Rep. Sam Park. The important contributions made by Asian American and Pacific Islanders, the intersection of the LGBTQ+ and Asian communities, and non-discriminatory policy for Georgia will be discussed.

Please feel free to ask questions on the Livestream.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
6:00 – 6:30 PM 

Representative Beth Moore (D – Peachtree Corners) is hosting a live, interactive legislative update for a community conversation around the state of the legislature, the challenges ahead, and Georgia’s path to recovery. Dr. Michelle Au will be joining as a special guest to give perspective from the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. State Senate District 48 overlaps the northern half of House District 95, which includes the cities of Peachtree Corners, Berkeley Lake, and parts of Duluth, Johns Creek and Norcross.

Join the conversation with any questions or comments on the Livestream.

Friday, May 29, 2020
5:00 – 6:00 PM 


The Thing with Feathers

By Michelle Au ’99
Endnote, Spring 2020

Last spring my family found a bird’s nest in our garage. We noticed it by chance, high on a shelf 10 feet up, a packed swirl of twigs and pine straw about the size and shape of a catcher’s mitt. One of my kids had broken a window in our garage months before (to this day, both the projectile and culprit remain at large) and it must have been through this breach that the bird gained access. It was unclear how long the nest had been there—for all I knew, it could have been months and I’d just never noticed it. We have a way of walking right past things we don’t expect to see.

Though she was rarely sighted, we were further surprised one day to find our mysterious tenant had delivered a clutch of five Instagram-worthy speckled eggs. We cooed and marveled over this development, but when nothing happened after a few weeks, we figured the eggs had either been abandoned, or else were duds.