(Watch full video here)

Like at a hospital, the Georgia General Assembly is packed with specialists in different fields. I have colleagues I go to when I have questions about law, about agriculture, about real estate, and education, among many, many other areas. 

My field of specialty is medicine, and in particular, anesthesiology. And last week I was pleased to be able to help my colleagues see why HB 251, heard in House Regulated Industries, was a bad bill that would compromise perioperative care, particularly in rural or underserved areas.

I appreciated the chance to talk with Donna Lowry on GPB Lawmakers about this bill. Watch the full segment here.


As a co-Chair of the Georgia General Assembly’s Working Group on Addiction and Recovery, I was honored to be able to speak to addiction treatment and recovery stakeholders this week at the 2025 Addiction Awareness Recovery Day at the Capitol! Addiction is a medical condition and should be treated as such, stripped of the stigma and barriers that preclude our patients from getting the prevention and care they need.

In particular, I cited my bill HB 326, the Non-Opioid Coverage Parity Act, which would ensure that state insurance plans like the State Health Benefit Plan and Medicaid cover non-opioid based pain treatments at rates no less favorable than they cover opioid-based treatments.

Read my Op-Ed in James Magazine about the importance of such opioid risk mitigation legislation here.


Every year I try to host a series of Town Halls through the legislative season, including one pre-Crossover Town Hall to let constituents know what to watch.

Our pre-Crossover Town Hall this year had maybe our highest attendance to date, and we had many questions about not just state issues, but decisions being made at the federal level and how they might impact Georgia.

Thank you to everyone who attended, asked questions, and asked how they could get more involved. If you missed our Town Hall, no problem, we also live-streamed it, and the archived video can be found here.

Look for our post-Sine Die Town Hall mid-April, after the legislative session wraps!


Our second GOLD DOME BLOOD DRIVE of the 2025 legislative session is in one week, on Thursday, March 13th!

As usual, the blood mobile will be parked directly outside the Capitol, between the Gold Dome and the Coverdell Legislative Office Building. You can’t miss it! (And that’s…kind of the point ) 

Stop by anytime between 8:00am and 5:00pm, our friends from Life South will be there all day to help you help patients who need blood transfusions!



There’s never been a more important time for scientists, researchers and healthcare professionals to engage with our government.

I was honored last week to speak with the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics about the social determinants of health and how they can help advocate for patients. Welcome to your state Capitol!

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Here at Team Au we are so lucky to have so many students connected to our office, and we got to work with many, many of them last week!

  • Students from Decatur High School came to talk with us about our gun safety work and a pathway to public service and how that harmonizes with a career in medicine

Students from HD 50’s own Johns Creek High School came with an AP U.S. Government and Politics class field trip to get a first hand look at the working of their state legislature

We were also lucky to have several pages come work with us in the House Chamber this week, including HD 50 students Rassi Wisepearl and Joshua Malizioso. Welcome to The People’s House!

Are you a student interested in connecting with our office, or just want to come visit the Capitol? Email [email protected]!

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It has never been more important to pay attention to the work of state legislatures. Thank you as ever for your support so that we can keep doing this most important work together.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office should you need any assistance, or if you have any concerns you’d like me to address on your behalf.

It is my honor to be your voice in the Georgia House of Representatives.

In service,